The ‘Rambots’ trash Ottawa Jewish School

A small Lego robot rolled on a table to complete various tasks inside the Ottawa Jewish Community School’s gym Friday.

The robot was created by a team of OJCS’s students, the “Rambots,” as part of an annual FIRST Lego League Regional Robotics Competition.

“It’s a mix of emotions, of really happy and excited,” said Rom Smolensky, one of the eight members of the Rambots.

The kids cheered as the Lego robot went through its tasks — sorting, pushing and knocking things down — in accordance with this year’s theme, “Trash Trek.”

OJCS participated Friday as Saturday, when the other Ottawa schools are scheduled to compete, is Shabbat.

Shabbat is Judaism’s day of rest and seventh day of the week.

Emma Todd, a member of the Rambots, said the team have been preparing since October.

The team had had to re-program the robot but they’re happy with how it turned out, she said.

Other competing schools will compete Saturday at Ashbury College.

FIRST Robotics Canada, a registered charity and the elementary level of the First Lego League regional robotics competition has more than 700 teams across Canada.

Click here to see the original article and accompanying video clip in the Ottawa Sun.