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Monday, October 5 |
7:00 p.m. |
Managing Chaos: How to Effectively Run FLL Challenge Teams |
It can feel hectic coaching FIRST LEGO League Challenge teams! In this workshop, participants will explore a few different team structures and learn how to make them as efficient as possible so that you can handle a large cohort of kids, both in-person and online. |
Taegen Poles |
Taegen Poles is the Lead Mentor for the W.A.F.F.L.E.S. Community Robotics FIRST LEGO League Challenge Teams, running four teams this past fall. She is a FIRST Alumna, mentor of FRC Team 4476 and President of the Queen’s University FIRST Robotics Club. She is currently in her final year of study for her Mechanical and Material Engineering degree, having recently returned from a 16-month co-op program as a Quality Control Engineer. |
Running an FLL Explore Team alongside your FLL Challenge Team |
Engage younger siblings (and others) and get them prepared to join your FIRST LEGO League Challenge team through FIRST LEGO League Explore! Participants will learn about this program for youth ages 6 – 10 years old and learn tips for running a FIRST LEGO League Explore team alongside a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team. |
Christine Bibic |
Christine has over 10 years experience coaching FIRST LEGO League Challenge teams has attended World Festival twice as a FIRST LEGO League Challenge coach. She has also coached teams in all other FIRST programs and has organized many FIRST LEGO League Qualifying tournaments. |
Virtual Robotics Toolkit |
The Virtual Robotics Toolkit is a robotics simulator, designed for use with LEGO Mindstorms, that allows users to design, build, program and test virtual robots without the need for physical equipment or space for testing. Join this session to learn about some of the basic capabilities and applications of this powerful learning tool and lean how to access curriculum-based lessons and additional resources. |
Annika Pint |
Annika is a mechanical engineering graduate and educator who strives to inspire youth, especially girls and young women, to pursue studies and careers in STEM fields. During her time as a classroom and centrally assigned teacher at the TDSB, she coached award-winning FIRST LEGO League Challenge teams and supported the curricular integration of coding and robotics in classrooms throughout the school board. She is currently the Program Manager for FIRST LEGO League Challenge at FIRST Canada, where she continues to support the curricular integration of robotics and the formation of robotic teams at schools and in communities across Ontario. |