SWATposium is a great opportunity to introduce new members to the FIRST Robotics program and to get current team members involved by attending or presenting workshops.  Sign up for the event at bit.ly/swatposium2016.

SWATposium will be taking place on Saturday, Nov. 05 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm at St. Mildred’s-Lightbourn School (1080 Linbrook Road, Oakville).

There will be 29 workshops for FRC teams to choose from and 2 workshops to fill the day for FLL teams, as well as a Quick-build happening for five rookie FRC teams. Together we will enjoy great opening and closing speakers, a lunch activity, some games and CAKE at the end of the day, Remember to wear your team shirt, if you have it, and bring $5 for lunch.  Snacks will be provided free of charge.

If your team is interested in running a workshop, please contact FRC team 771 at frc771@gmail.com. Let us know whether you would like a 40 or 90 minute session, provide a working title or topic, and the name of the presenter, if you know it.

