Code with FIRST Canada: Introduction to Coding
Online coding classes where kids can learn about logic, structure, sequence and creative expression! Join us for a 60-minute Coding Workshop to give kids a taste of what coding and programming are all about! They will be able to share what they have created with friends and family and explore more at home. All virtual workshops will be led by 2 or more live instructors from the world of FIRST Robotics Canada and Gracious Professionalism as well as equity, inclusion and diversity will be at the heart of all sessions. Children will learn logic, structure, creative thinking, sequencing, algorithmic thinking, programming languages such as Java in FTC SIM.

What you will learn: Coding FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) Blocks in a simulated FIRST Tech Challenge programming environment. Start with the basics and move your way up through increasingly difficult challenges! Good luck, and have fun! FTC SIM is dynamic and has been curated and refined by seasoned industry specialists along with an internal technology team to learn the basics of programming on “standard” pre-designed FTC robots.

What you will learn: foundational understanding of how coding works and to write code for a simulated robot using virtual LEGO® MINDSTORMS® robot. Virtual Robotics Toolkit (VRT) provides kids with continuous learning, module after module, to progressively build programming knowledge right from the basics to the advanced technology. It also familiarizes them with computational thinking needed in programming through the use of visual cues rather than pure text. Students will be able to use VRT toolkit free of cost once they finish the session to build upon more at home.

The world needs your voice! You can say something with your words, your music, your courage, your creativity, your robot, or simply with your presence. Join W.A.F.F.L.E.S. Community Robotics for a fun, interactive, online, session where you will learn to give your virtual robot a voice and discover more about your voice too. Registration is free and class sizes are limited. Active parent support will be required. Take advantage of this parent/child bonding opportunity as you learn to code together and help your child understand their voice matters. Sessions will be recorded so that segments can be used in future promotional materials.