FIRST Robotics Competition
Time Limit:
60 second video, 45 seconds for the actual challenge
Human Limit: 5
2 drivers (all must be students)
3 human assistants (all must be students)
Submission Limit:
In 45 seconds earn as many Power Cell points as possible by scoring Power Cells into a regulation sized Power Port. A Power Port consists of a Bottom Port, Inner Port, and Outer Port. Robots may use any combination of Driver and Autonomous controls.
- Tip: Utilize your coding skills to optimize your efficiency during the challenge, especially when it comes to closed loop control of your shooter!

- Standard Infinite Recharge scoring applies, i.e.
- Bottom Port = 1 Point
- Outer Port = 2 Points
- Inner Port = 3 Points
- There is no requirement for using a full field. Any sort of mockup of the Power Port is allowed, as long as the dimensions are approximately within regulation.
- Robots may run on any surface (carpet, flooring, asphalt, grass, etc.)
- Teams must use an Infinite Recharge Robot and Infinite Recharge Power Cells
- There is no distance requirement. Teams may shoot/dump from wherever they like
- All standard Infinite Recharge Size and Weight rules apply
- Teams may only possess 5 Power Cells at any one time, including at the start of the challenge (i.e. a robot can be preloaded with 5 Power Cells)
- Teams may only use a total of 5 Power Cells throughout the challenge
- Power Cells that have been scored may be re-introduced to the “field” by a maximum of 3 team members during the challenge
- Team members may re-introduce Power Cells at any time during the Challenge, however they must be introduced at least ~2m away from the Robot
- Team members may not touch the Robot during the Challenge
- While staff, volunteers, and judges will review the videos, we ask that teams practice Gracious Professionalism to ensure that all scores are counted fairly and that all rules are enforced
- The team with the highest legal score will be declared the winner