Tag: video campaign


TD Grant Winners

TD is thrilled to announce the six (6) $2,500 grant recipients. These FRC teams were chosen for their demonstrable effort to encourage STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in their communities. The winners are: FRC Team 1241 FRC Team 1325 FRC Team 1360 FRC Team 6070 FRC Team 6331 FRC Team 6865 Thank you to all who entered!


TD Grant Opportunity 2018

TD is thrilled to offer six (6) $2,500 grants to support teams in Ontario who are making a demonstrable effort to encourage STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in their communities. FIRST Robotics Canada (FRC) Ontario teams can apply for the grants from TD by submitting a video that highlights how your team is encouraging STEM engagement and participating in outreach

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