The Recharge Your Bot Challenges, presented by FIRST Canada, are a series of dynamic and exciting challenges to allow FIRST Robotics Competition teams to “recharge” their energy for robotics this fall. The challenges were designed with accessibility in mind, and thus do not require teams to build a new robot or to have access to a field. Teams are welcome to submit a video using any robot; however, certain challenges may be more suited to a 2020 robot. Understanding that some teams may not even have access to their robots, we even have two fun challenges that can be completed without a robot.
The safety of all FIRST participants, as well as public health, is our utmost priority. While teams may be energized and motivated to participate in these challenges, teams should be following all local public health guidelines at all times. FIRST Canada has published recommended safety practices for teams and teams should always be referring to their local public health units for their most current published COVID-19 guidelines and regulations. Teams should not violate any current rules or guidelines in order to participate in these challenges.
While these are competitive challenges with prizes, the main goal here is for teams to have fun. The judging and rules enforcement of this challenge are intentionally less stringent than our normal events, to make these challenges more accessible for all participants. Please remember to practice Gracious Professionalism while participating in these challenges.
Remember to tag all of your submission with #Rechargeyourbot and post on Instagram or YouTube!